Savage Worlds

War of the Dead: Alternate Beginnings

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Nearly a year ago Daring Entertainment ran a kickstarter for an expansion/campaign guide for the War of the Dead titled World of the Dead. As part of that they have released War of the Dead: Alternate Beginnings, a replacement for the first six weeks of Chapter One for War of the Dead. Instead of being on a Caribbean cruise, isolated and unaware, the players are there when the outbreak begins and the world falls. The nightmare begins quickly and doesn't let up through the replacement weeks that end and are taken up by week seven of Chapter One.

War (World) of the Dead Character Sheet

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"One day, everything was normal. Kids went to school. Parents went to work or stayed home doing normal chores. Highways suffered from traffic jams and people committed petty crimes (and not so petty) against each other. And then IT happened. A flu struck that was unlike any other before it. People quickly got sick, some seemed to die, and when they woke up... they were Different. Hungry. Feral. They felt no pain and just seemed to want to eat their fellow man.

Savage Worlds Conversions

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The day has come. The party is creeping along in a new and exciting dungeon that's hasn't seen the light of day in centuries. They turn the corner and come face to face with... Hmm... I thought I had something planned, but now I can't find my stats. Maybe that notecard fell out of my folder. Oh, well. I have the Pathfinder site open... But this is Savage Worlds. It is so simple to wing it with a monster, but why not have actual stats to make the monster more unique than just some d6s mixed with a d8 here or there.

Adventures in GMing...

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How many times has this happened to you as a GM, or seen it happen as a player? The night started great. The adventure is underway and suddenly the group just veers off into left field and keeps on going. Who knows why. Maybe the group got caught up by some little detail the GM let out or maybe the evening wasn’t really planned and now, you’re forced to come up with information on the fly; things like NPCs with names and backgrounds, places to go, things to find, creatures to kill. All of that is great, at least when the imagination is awake and working.

Daring Tales and Amazing Adventures

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Weird Tales, Amazing Stories, Astounding Science Fiction, Galaxy Science Fiction, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. Weekly or monthly titles that fed the imaginations of millions with colorful images and headlines whose titles would rival the best catchlines that a muckraker of the turn of the century would envy. Creating such as a GM might make for great ways to introduce players into the flavor of a campaign, but not everyone is an artist, or has the time to create such works.

A Plethora of Character Sheets

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Having created character sheets for Sundered Skies, I decided to go through some of the other character sheets that PEG has available for download for various Savage Worlds settings. I’ve taken these sheets and made them all form-fillable as well as savable from Adobe Reader and other PDF readers. Below is a brief list of the settings for which I have created forms.

Creating a gaming log, TiddlyWiki

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More and more electronics are invading lots of spaces that used to be the domain of the ripped off piece of paper that was hastily scrawled upon to create a reminder of something for the next adventure. Laptops and Tablets have become more affordable and the use of PDFs and other file formats and programs have reduced the large, heavy library of books for one’s game to a much more manageable weight. On top of these devices comes the ability to manage one’s campaign with digital tools; from the basic like Word/Excel to more advanced programs like The Obsidian Portal site.
